Kiernan has a whizbang interview with author and “CBS Sunday Morning” correspondent Conor Knighton who spent a year visiting every American National Park.
This week on Out of Office: A Travel Podcast, Kiernan has a whizbang interview with author and “CBS Sunday Morning” correspondent Conor Knighton who spent a year visiting every American National Park. His new book “Leave Only Footprints” shares his tales from the trails. Needless to say he is now Kiernan’s idol.
Things we talked about in today’s podcast:
“Leave Only Footprints” by Conor Knighton
“CBS Sunday Morning” Crater Lake Old Man segment
“CBS Sunday Morning” Denali Sled Dogs segment
“CBS Sunday Morning” Biscayne National Park
Conor Knighton sings “America the Beautiful” in every National Park